When you finish school and open a studio, you find that your studio is full of ‘books’.
all sorts of books are on the shelves.
Books from those who taught you about art, about what great art looks or sounds like.
books of great artists who inspired you.
books of art works that you wish to imitate or at least ensure that they influence your work.
books about the art you DON’T want to make. about the styles you don’t like. about the styles you do like. just many many books.
and so you begin to make…. art.
And then, year after year, as you work in your own studio, you find that with each progressive year, there is less of a need for you to keep every single book on your shelf. in fact, you find you sometimes even gain something by somewhat reducing the quantity of books. so each year, you take a book or two out of your studio.
and then you really begin to make… art.
and then you take out some more.
and then even more..
until you find that your studio now has only one single book which remains.
and then….if you really feel ready…then you take that last one out too.
and then you really really begin to make…. art.
and then you are left in the studio without any books. the only thing left in the studio is yourself. just your self.
and then… one day, in the studio, with no more books remaining, and with just your self left…if you really really feel ready.. then….then you take that out too.
then art really happens.